Thursday, June 03, 2004

Mmm, Chocolate and Zucchini
Here is an adorable and brilliant idea for a blog: a food blog. We bloggers tend to be a sententious, more opinion-based than fact-oriented, contentious rather than enlightening. As a tribe, we provide more heat than light. So, what better way to counteract the natural tendency of blog (and all internet writing) than to write recipes. Recipes are usefu in two specific ways: first, obviously, they can be used to make something, but second, there is a pleasure in reading a recipe itself and being reminded of the pleasures of, say, Mexican mole sauce, or fresh tomatoes with red onions. Taste sensations are among most tangible of memories, but for me they are best provoked by prose.

At the same time, recipes can also fulfill that requirement of all blogging: allowing the writer to have an opinion, to add value as they say.

Without further adieu (I hope you you are suitable appetized) here is lovely food blog by Clothilde:

Chocolate and Zucchini


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